Friday, December 10, 2004


You are an Activist!
(Dominant Extroverted Concrete Feeler)
You are an ACTIVIST (DECF)— motivated and righteous, you feel the need to change this harsh, horrible world we live in. The world would be your oyster, if you weren't 27% likely to be vegetarian. Anyway, you are forceful and outgoing, so you enjoy interacting with other people and are willing to aggressively pursue your goals. If you are male, you are probably thin and lanky, just because that's what activists look like. If you are female, you probably wear thick-rimmed glasses and tight clothes *or* some kind of hippie outfit.
In more general terms, you are driven much more by emotion than logic. But because of your ideals, you are more interested in real-world results than abstract conclusions.
Advice from us: Make sure you listen to your opposition. Don't hasten to attack different ideologies. This will also help your relationship with your friends.



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