Monday, December 20, 2004

Monday, December 13, 2004

political compass

The Political Compass

(i'm giving it all away now..)

Economic Left/Right: -8.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.87

[copy-paste from site, important: The chart also makes clear that, despite popular perceptions, the opposite of fascism is not communism but anarchism (ie liberal socialism), and that the opposite of communism ( i.e. an entirely state-planned economy) is neo-liberalism (i.e. extreme deregulated economy)]


On Non-Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Strong Liberal (8).
On Fiscal Issues, you rank as a Strong Liberal (12).

Your score is on a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being fully liberal and 100 being fully conservative.

[The Political Gauge is a political test that measures where you stand on the political spectrum. Unlike many tests that simply measure whether you are liberal or conservative, the Gauge places you on a two-dimensional grid consisting of fiscal and non-fiscal issues by taking a look at your views and the depth of your beliefs.
The Gauge is broken down into two primary components: Fiscal and Non-Fiscal Issues. Fiscal issues are those that directly involve budget decisions - how the government generates revenues and distributes expenses. Non-Fiscal issues is a broad term to cover social issues such as Abortion Policy and pure policy issues such as Gun Control or Education Policy. ]

Friday, December 10, 2004

copy-paste from october 16th.

i did the what kind of girl are you-test and got that i am a hybrid between the Indie Girl and the Granola Girl.

[ctrl+c ctrl+v]

The Indie Girl

It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party. -- Nick Hornby, High Fidelity

An Indie Girl's life is a Statement with a capital S, but unlike the Granola Girl, the statement is not political -- it's artistic. Indie Girls consider themselves actresses in the movie of life. Your meal needs to be constructed like an independent film. If you're bringing her over for a date, you are playing a character in her movie. If you create a setting, props, and a soundtrack that are good enough to avoid the cutting-room floor, she's yours.

You can boil the Indie Girl down to two words: cultural literacy. Or how about these two: media consumption. As the Gourmet Girl loves food and all that goes with it, the Indie Girl loves media: books, movies, music, and art. The good news is you don't have to be rich, good-looking, or famous to win this girl's heart. The bad news is she will judge you based on your music choices, the books you read, and the films you watch.

She Might Be a Indie Girl if:
She drives: a classic car, a VW beetle, a Mini Cooper, or a Vespa scooter.
She can talk for more than ten minutes about: obscure pop culture.
She begins her sentences with: "It's like that Simpsons episode . . ."
She'd never: drive a mini-van.
She owns any of the following: TiVo, a mini-DV camera, an iPod, a pottery wheel, a serger, or a lava lamp.

The Granola Girl

She's cooking salad for breakfast She's got tofu the size of Texas -- Beck, "Nitemare Hippy Girl"

Face it. You're going to have to go to eat tofu for this girl. But don't freak out. Tofu doesn't taste bad. It's just bean curd. In fact, tofu doesn't really taste like anything. It has the chameleon-like quality of taking on the flavor of whatever you mix it with; kind of like that spineless, sidekick friend who used to follow you around in high school, mindlessly adopting your opinions. Bad quality for a friend, good quality for a protein.

Plan on going vegetarian but be aware, vegetarians come in different stripes. There are lacto-vegetarians, who will eat dairy, and lacto-ovos, who include eggs in their diet. Pesco-vegetarians allow fish, a choice that is common in Asian cultures, while pollo-vegetarians tolerate poultry. A vegan will not eat meat, fish, eggs, or any kind of dairy. Nor will she eat or use any product that was produced by an animal, including wool, leather, and honey (the bees are oppressed).

She Might Be a Granola Girl if:
She drives: a VW bus, a bicycle, or an electric car, or uses public transportation.
She can talk for more than ten minutes about: hemp.
She begins her sentences with: "Ralph Nader says . . ."
She'd never: vote Republican.
She owns any of the following: a smudge stick, a tongue scraper, a compost bin, Dr. Bronner's soap (bulk size).


You are an Activist!
(Dominant Extroverted Concrete Feeler)
You are an ACTIVIST (DECF)— motivated and righteous, you feel the need to change this harsh, horrible world we live in. The world would be your oyster, if you weren't 27% likely to be vegetarian. Anyway, you are forceful and outgoing, so you enjoy interacting with other people and are willing to aggressively pursue your goals. If you are male, you are probably thin and lanky, just because that's what activists look like. If you are female, you probably wear thick-rimmed glasses and tight clothes *or* some kind of hippie outfit.
In more general terms, you are driven much more by emotion than logic. But because of your ideals, you are more interested in real-world results than abstract conclusions.
Advice from us: Make sure you listen to your opposition. Don't hasten to attack different ideologies. This will also help your relationship with your friends.




Freudian Inventory Results
Oral (73%) you appear to be overly passive and dependent, wanting things to be given to you instead of working for them.
Anal (50%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity.
Phallic (86%) you appear to have issues with controlling your sexual desires and possibly fidelity.
Latency (43%) you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests.
Genital (66%) you appear to have a progressive and openminded outlook on life unbeholden to regressive forces like traditional authority and convention.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

if i were..

If I were a month, I'd be: november.
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: sunday.
If I were a time of day, I'd be: late evening.
If I were a planet, I'd be: planet Ba'ku.
If I were a sea animal, I'd be: a seal.
If I were a direction, I'd be: left.
If I were a sin, I'd be: pride.
If I were a famous person, I'd be: janeane garofalo.
If I were a liquid, I'd be: amaretto flavoured latte.
If I were a tree, I'd be: an oaktree.
If I were a bird, I'd be: a golden eagle
If I were a tool, I'd be: a swiss army knife
If I were a flower/plant, I'd be: an ox-eye daisy.
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: snow.
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: an elf.
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: a lyre.
If I were an animal, I'd be: a (black) cat.
If I were a color, I'd be: black.
If I were an emotion, I'd be: excitement.
If I were an acholic drink, I'd be: vanilla white russian.
If I were a sound, I'd be: .?
If I were an element, I'd be: fire.
If I were a car, I'd be: a red vw beetle.
If I were a song, I'd be: ..?
If I were a movie, I'd be: the breakfast club.
If I were a book, I'd be: a self-help book.
If I were a food, I'd be: fresh bread.
If I were a place, I'd be: home.
If I were a material, I'd be: porcelain.
If I were a taste, I'd be: vanilla.
If I were a scent, I'd be: vanilla.
If I were a religion, I'd be: untraditional.
If I were a word, I'd be: freedom.
If I were an object, I'd be: a computer.
If I were a body part, I'd be: a brain.
If I were a facial expression, I'd be: surprised.
If I were a subject in school, I'd be: mathematics.
If I were a cartoon character, I'd be: lisa simpson.
If I were a shape, I'd be: a circle.
If I were a number, I'd be: zero.
You Are Belle!

Intelligent and kind. Your beauty goes much further than your apperance. Also, you make judgements of people based on their personality and not their looks. Attaining all the knowledge that you can is one of your major goals in life, but you are also a person who can make things happen.

Which Disney Princess Are You?