Sunday, April 24, 2005

American Cities That Best Fit You:

75% Philadelphia

70% Chicago

65% New York City

60% Washington, DC

55% Atlanta

Saturday, April 23, 2005

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Thrust-ship.I am a Thrust-ship.

I am small and tricky - where you think I am, I probably am not. I can work very fast, but I tend to go about things in a round about way, which often leaves me effectively standing still. I hate rocks. Bloody rocks. What Video Game Character Are You?


What Video Game Character Are You? I am an Asteroid.I am an Asteroid.

I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

You May Be a Bit Borderline ...

Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!

When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...

And when you're down, your whole world is crashing

Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute!

You Are 55% Normal

(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...

Other things you do are downright strange

You've got a little of your freak going on

But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!

You drink everyone under the table.

J is for James who took lye by mistake.
You will take lye by mistake. You seem to be a very
confused individual. Just make sure you read
the labels and signs everywhere.

What will be your Edward Gorey death?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

20% Yankee

15% Upper Midwestern

10% Dixie

0% Midwestern